Date: Tuesday, May 24                              Time: 4:20 pm – 4.45 pm (CEST)

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Name: Krish Narendra, PhD


Short biography:Krish Narendra, Ph.D, is the COO and Technology Lead of Electric Power Group LLC (EPG). Krish joined EPG in September 2017 and has over 30 years of experience and is a prominent expert in power system protection, monitoring, control and analysis. Krish works on real time grid monitoring, visualization and analytics to address industry needs for asset health monitoring, digital solutions for power grid automation, and control. Krish’s expertise spans innovative design, commercialization of protective relays and disturbance monitoring recorders, and use of advanced digital signal processing technologies on embedded systems to enable real time grid security, analytics, asset health and automation. Krish has published over 40 papers in various IEEE/IEC journals and conferences, and holds several patents. He is a member of the IEEE PRSC working groups, the PRTT of NASPI, the CIGRE C4-B5 working group and NERC SMS committee.

Title: Synchrophasor Technology for Managing and Operating Power Grids

Abstract: The use of Synchrophasor technology by ISO’s and Utilities is increasing. The portfolio of applications has expanded beyond WAMS. The presentation will cover use cases of synchrophasors for oscillations, linear state estimation, integration with SCADA information to provide operators with actionable intelligence. Presentation will present examples of technologies in use by ISOs and Utilities in Control Centers as well as for Advanced Analytics.