WAMS in the control room, a TSO perspective
Date: Tuesday, May 24 Time: –
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Name of the speaker: Renata Rubeša, PhD
Email: renata.rubesa@hops.hr
Organisation: Head of the Department SCADA/EMS applications, Croatian Transmission System Operator HOPS, Croatia
Biography of the speaker: Renata Rubeša received her B.Sc.E.E degree in 2005. in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb in 2005, and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb, Croatia in 2015. Since 2005. she has been with the Croatian transmission system Operator, where she started working as a relay protection engineer. Since 2007 she is with the Department for support to power system control, responsible for maintenance, development and integration of SCADA, EMS, AGC and WAM systems. She is currently head of department for the support to power system control in HOPS. She has participated in several projects and conferences involving development of WAM system in Croatia and international CIGRE working groups for the integration of WAMS in the control room. She is Member of IEEE, member of CIGRE Croatia study committee C2 Power system operation and control and chair of Croatian CIGRE study committee B5 Protection and automation. She has participated in several research and development projects funded by the EU. Since 2017 she is technical lead for the integration and development of an automated Volt Var control system in Croatia, as part of the Sincro.Grid project co-funded by the European Commission in the field of smart grids. Her main topics of interest are transmission system protection, wide area monitoring and energy management systems. .
Abstract: The literature is full of different, proposed applications, which use sychrophasor data. Currently, there is no singular, ‘master’ application or system, which would cover all the possible usages. Different utilities usually have niche use cases to cover their needs. Considering this, the usage of WAM data in a TSO depends on the issue to be monitored or solved. The applications can be divided into those used in the control room for real time operations, those used for planning purposes and those for disturbance analysis. TSOs usually have a long path to introduce the benefits of the synchrophasor technology in the control room. The integration issues are usually of technical or non-technical nature. Data communication protocols, visualization, alarm thresholds, cyber security are usually some of the main technical integration issues. Confidence gap and unknown countermeasures to mitigate unsecure operation of the power system are one of the main non-technical barriers for a more vast usage of synchrophasors in the control room. The presentation will deal with paths, issues and solutions how TSOs face the challenges of integrating the benefits of a WAM system in the control room.