Platforms and architectures I
Date: Tuesday, May 24 Time: 3:00 pm – 4:20 pm (CEST)
Chair: Prof Mehrdad Ghandhari, KTH
Click here to download the papers
Paper 1:
Authors: M. Adhikari, Prottay; Vanfretti, Luigi; Mishra, Chetan; Jones, Kevin;
Title: A Reconfigurable Synchrophasor Synchronization Gateway & Controller Architecture for DERs
Paper 2:
Authors: Frigo, Guglielmo; Agustoni, Marco;
Title: Characterization of a Non-Conventional Instrument Transformer in Low Inertia Power Systems
Paper 3:
Authors: Kumar, Lalit; Ahmed, Shehab; Vanfretti, Luigi; Kishor, Nand
Title: A Software Toolchain for Real-Time Testing of Synchrophasor Algorithms in MATLAB
Paper 4:
Authors: Hooshyar, Hossein; Haddadi, Aboutaleb; Farantatos, Evangelos; Patel, Mahendra;
Title: Investigation of PMU Limitations in Monitoring Fast Dynamics Through Real-Time Hardware-In-The-Loop Experiments